Das versteckte Kind – eine Graphic Novel über eine geraubte Kindheit. Bedrückend und doch einfühlsam erzählt die Grafik Novel Das verstecke Kind, wie Dounia als Kind die Schrecken des Zweiten Weltkrieges erlebt. Comic-Besprechung Das versteckte Kind Autor: Loic Dauvillier Zeichner: Marc Lizano Colorist: Greg Salsedo Story: Dounia lebt ein ganz normales Leben. Eines Morgens näht allerdings ihr Vater ihr einen Sheriffstern an die Jacke. Zunächst ist sie deswegen ganz entzückt, wundert sich aber über die ablehnende Haltung ihrer Mitschüler ihr gegenüber. Mit der Zeit bekommt sie immer mehr mit, wie sich die Stimmung in dem Land unter der Nazibesatzung ändert. Dounia und ihre Eltern geraten als Juden in Lebensgefahr. Hidden: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust by Loic Dauvillier, illustrated by Marc Lizano and Greg Salsedo Translated from French, this graphic novel delicately but powerfully explains the impact of the Nazis on a child. Told by a grandmother to her granddaughter, this is the story of Dounia, a young Jewish girl whose life changes when the Nazis come to Paris. First she has to wear a yellow star, then she stops attending school, and finally her parents are taken away and she is sheltered by neighbors. She has to call the neighbor woman “mother” even though she doesn’t want to. The two flee Paris and head to the countryside where Dounia is able to live comfortably with enough food, but worries all the time about whether she will ever see her parents again. This is a book about families but also about those people thrown together by horrors who become family to one another to survive. Dauvallier first offers a glimpse of what Dounia’s life was like just before the Nazis arrived. Quickly though, the book changes and becomes about persecution and the speed of the changes that Jews in France and other countries had to endure. Isolation from society was one of the first steps taken, the loss of friends and mentors, then the fear of being taken away or shot entered. But so did bravery and sacrifice and heroism. It is there that this book stays, keeping the horrors at bay just enough for the light to shine in. The art work is powerful but also child friendly. The characters have large round heads that show emotions clearly. There are wonderful plays of light and dark throughout the book that also speak to the power of the Nazis and the vital power of fighting back in big ways and small. A powerful graphic novel, this book personalizes the Holocaust and offers the story of one girl who survived with love and heroism. Appropriate for ages 9-12. Reviewed from copy received from First Second. Nous Vous Ille #105. Cases de conscience Il n’a pas la grosse tête, contrairement à ses personnages de bande dessinée. Depuis son appartement rennais, Marc Lizano s’émerveille toujours de voir ses albums traduits en langue étrangère. Deux ans après sa sortie, L’enfant cachée, déjà multiprimé, a ses versions tchèque, israélienne, américaine… «Une exposition est prévue en juin à Dachau ou à Nuremberg. C’est impressionnant.» L’enfant cachée, c’est une petite fille juive obligée de fuir pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. « Ma fille Louise n’avait pas cinq ans quand elle m’a demandé ce qu’était une chambre à gaz. Elle avait entendu le terme à la radio. Il n’y a pas d’explication simple. Alors, j’ai utilisé ce que je sais faire – dessiner –pour tenter de rendre compte de cette période. Avec Loïc Dauvillier, le scénariste,nous nous sommes rapprochés de l’association Anonymes, Justes et persécutés durant la période nazie. Avec un tel sujet, on n’a pas le droit à l’erreur. » Hidden: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust by Loïc Dauvillier, Marc Lizano, Greg Salsedo Posted by Shweta. You might have read many stories about the horrors of the Holocaust but unlike many such, this one is full of hope. A young Jewish girl by name Dounia is hidden by her kind-hearted neighbours when her parents are taken to the concentration camps. While she waits for news about her parents, she is taken care of by people who in the face of adversity and constant threat of discovery, try to make her childhood seem as normal as possible. Super Book Boy chronique des livres en video et nous venons de recevoir celle où il parle de Hidden. SUNDAY BOOK REVIEW|CHILDREN’S BOOKS Stories of Resistance and Escape. Loïc Dauvillier’s ‘Hidden,’ and More My Jewish great-grandparents made the fortunate decision to leave Europe in the first decade of the 20th century, so my closest personal connection to the Holocaust was through my high school French teacher, Annette Berman. Annette was a 15-year-old Jewish schoolgirl living in Paris when World War II began. As restrictions and fear mounted during the German occupation, she and her family hid for weeks in her best friend’s apartment; then, using borrowed identity cards, they traveled to a remote village where Annette spent the next two years disguised as a Roman Catholic, delivering messages and explosives for the French Resistance on her bicycle. Reading the heart-stopping journeys of the child survivors in “Hidden,” “Hidden Like Anne Frank” and “The Whispering Town” drove home to me that Annette’s incredible story is far from unique. Das versteckte Kind – Rezension der Graphic Novel
Der Autor Loic Dauvillier und der Zeichner Marc Lizano haben diese Graphic Novel über eine gestohlene Kindheit aus Elementen unterschiedener überlieferter Geschichten zusammengesetzt. “Das versteckte Kind” wurde am 18. März 2014 im Panini Verlag veröffentlicht. Ein Sheriffstern! Dounia ist begeistert, dass sie den ab sofort tragen darf. Doch warum will auf einmal niemand mehr mit ihr spielen? Erst nach und nach erfährt das Mädchen, was der Judenstern tatsächlich bedeutet.
Marc LizanoAu jour le jour Catégories